Why I Embrace and Welcome Change

There was a time when I was younger that changing anything in my life was impossible, I grew up with controlling, abusive, parents, telling me what to think say and do 24/7, I wanted to escape but couldn’t .

It was only when I grew into an adult and left home that I realised I was never going to be controlled again, my life is in my hands.

I would change anything I didn’t like , each time I changed jobs I grew as a person, liking myself more each day, taking jobs that pushed me out f my comfort zone, pushing myself to learn new and interesting things, I became and still are a sponge for knowledge.

Making the decision to give up a well paid job to enrol in college, not knowing what lay ahead but excited at the same time, little did I realise this would transform me and my life beyond measure. I stepped into the me that had always been there, I gained qualifications beyond my dreams, at 50 I was teaching in various colleges all because I wanted change.

I wanted and craved change again, from my middle thirties this yearning to know what made me tick became prominent, so much so I went on a journey of discovery finding me and what I was born to do, I revealed a beautiful gift that I wasn’t aware of , my unique connection to spirit – Source. This gave my life meaning in a different way, I was a still am a natural healer.

I used my gift while teaching , apart from teaching them computer studies I gave them kindness , understanding and compassion, for these young male adults I was the last chance, the college didn’t know what to do with them, I was asked to take these classes, I jumped at the chance, I hoped I would be able to make a difference , I knew it was going to be difficult but I was up for the challenge , the first few sessions were difficult, I treated them with respect, expecting nothing in return , after a few short weeks these amazing students would attend , never late, baseball caps off and attended to their work, I was overjoyed to have been given this opportunity to help, I felt I made a difference they learned what they needed to and I gained there respect.

I was ready for another change, time to move on new experiences to explore.

Although I had been using my spiritual gift I hadn’t been doing it on a professional basis now was the time to go for it!

This was almost 20 years ago I have learned so much, had amazing experiences, I still love working spiritually now it’s time for something new, I am in the process of writing books and am about the venture into doing videos on you tube, yes it’s scary but I love the thrill of something new.